Tedeschi Trucks Band

In Every Heart

Tedeschi Trucks Band

chords Intermediate intermediate


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In Every Heart

Intro:  A C D (x2) 

In every heart there a name  
                                            Bm        E  
Under the perfume and all the blame  
In every heart  

In every story a face  
                                                Bm        E  
It won ever leave you, so dream away  
In every heart  

Bm E Just in time to tell the tale C#m (You never believe it) F#m Just before your ship sets sail Bm (You never believe it) E Comes and finds you without fail A C D In every heart A C D In every heart
A In every soul there a psalm Bm E Coming to find you to sing along A In every heart A In every life there a rhyme Bm E Raise up the covers and let it shine A In every heart
Bm E Just in time to tell the tale C#m (You never believe it) F#m Just before your ship sets sail Bm (You never believe it) E Comes and finds you without fail A C D In every heart A C D In every heart
SOLO (during the solo play sequence verse Chorus once) A In every heart there a book Bm E Turning the pages, how long it took A In every heart A In every heart there a voice Bm E Getting a word in through all that noise A In every heart
Bm E Just in time to tell the tale C#m (You never believe it) F#m Just before your ship sets sail Bm (You never believe it) E Comes and finds you without fail A C D In every heart A C D In every heart

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