Sticky Fingers

Kiss The Breeze

Sticky Fingers

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Kiss The Breeze

Written by Sticky Fingers

I hit the pavement, 
runnin a muck and I don't stop 
          F#m7                        Bm7 
I've been living the same day for the past 6 months 
     Dmaj7             C#m7 
In a daze, because I'm doing what I love 
      F#m7                            Bm7 
And I won't leave the stage until you motherfuckers jump 

(Same chords for this verse) 
I leave my pride inside oblivion, don't take yourself so serious 
Life is just a game so you can share all your fears without this 
theres peace within this harmony that flows within the core of me 
Grows up in my mind, apples out of another's apple tree 

Dmaj7     C#m7   F#m7   Bm7  
So have a laugh, or get blasted out to space 

          A                                C#m7    Bm7 
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out 
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out 
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out 
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out 

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