Stacey Kent

If You Never Come To Me

Stacey Kent

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If You Never Come To Me


E7M      Eb7M13 D7M  Db7/9 
There's     no            use 
Of the moonlight glow 
                       Am7          Am6 
Or the peaks where winter snows 
           Ab7/13     Ab7/13-          Db7/9 
What's the use of the waves that will break 
       Db7/9-      F#7/13    B7/9+ 
in the cool of the evening 
What is the evening 
  A7             E7M      F5-/7 
Without you it's nothing 
E7M   Eb7M13 D7M  Db7/9 
It        may          be 
You will never come 
             Am7        Am6 
If you never come to me 
           Ab7/13        Ab7/13-        Db7/9 
What's the use of my wonderful dream 
    Db7/9-         F#7/13    B7/9+ 
And why would they leave me 
Where would they leave me 
  A7           E7M      A7/13 
Without you to nowhere 
Just nowhere 

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