
9 To 5


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9 To 5

Key:  E More
9 To 5 Key BB
9 To 5 Key CC
9 To 5 Key C#C#
9 To 5 Key DD(one step down)
9 To 5 Key D#D#(half step down)
9 To 5 Key EE(original key)
9 To 5 Key FF(half step up)
9 To 5 Key F#F#(one step up)
9 To 5 Key GG
9 To 5 Key G#G#
9 To 5 Key AA
9 To 5 Key A#A#
	  		Intro: E F Bb F C7 F C7 F 

Verse: 1 
C7             F 
You tasted the porridge 
C                                      F 
And ran before the grizzlies took your life 
C                 F 
But you tried to ignore it 
                          C               F 
The yen that wreathes the corners of your mind? 

Bb Gm All you said you wanted F Was some time alone to look over the Treaty of Versailles Bb C But all you really wanted F Was a 9 to 5 C F C F To pay the bills on time
Verse: 2 C7 F You dug from the storage C F A tapestry that could not weave to scale C F Your shoes stuck to the mortgage C F Like zebra muscles sticking to the shale (shale!)
Bb Gm All you said you wanted F Was some time alone to look over the Treaty of Versailles Bb C But all you really wanted F Was a 9 to 5 C7 F C7 F To pay the bills on time
Bridge C7 F C Dm To pay the bills on time Dm Bb Gm F ("Oh!" scream) F Bb C F La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!
Bb Gm All you said you wanted F Was some time alone to reassess your life Bb C All you really wanted F Was a 9 to 5 N.C. To pay the bills on time
(End on F)

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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