Sherrie Austin

One Solitary Tear

Sherrie Austin


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One Solitary Tear

	  		Intro: D  G  D  G 
Verse One: 
D                           A 
Your love was reckless baby, I fell deep 
C                          G 
Easy to hold but you were hard to keep 
F                      D 
You were a heartache, waiting to be 
Em                          A 
We took off flying down a dead end street 
Verse Two: 
I never knew that love could, hurt so bad 
When you said goodbye with a tip of your hat 
I watched you leaving across the welcome mat 
And though I know that you ain't coming back 

D G D One solitary tear, is all I'll cry Em C C7 One solitary tear, falling, falling Am7 C A Falling from my eye G A Bm A G I'll get over you, I'll get by Em G A D One solitary tear, at a time
Verse Three: Little things remind me, that you are gone The mailman still brings all your catalogs The radio just keeps on playing our songs But I tell myself that I have to be strong CHORUS Instrumental: D G D G Em C Am7 C7 D A G A Bm A G I'll get over you, I'll get by Em G A Bm A G One solitary tear, at a time Em G A D One solitary tear, at a time Outro: D G D F G D

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