Sarah Vaughan

A Little Tear

Sarah Vaughan

chords Beginner beginner


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A Little Tear

	  		Dm7/9       G6/7 
By the way 
If you find a little tear 
A7/#5              Dm7/9 
    Just a simple little tear 
G6/7          C7M/9 
  Keep it it belongs to me 
Don't you see 
Dm7/9    G6/7                 C7M/9 
Yesterday     when you told me that you care 
A7/#5              Dm7/9 
  Then it felll I don't know where 
G6/7                   C7M/9 
  Far too thrileed to see              (breque) 
And in that tear you'll find a memory 
One that means so much to me 
B7/#5           Em7/9 
   In a tender moment we 
Found a love to share 
Dm7/9      G6/7 
 So my love 
Knowing you will understand 
A7/#5               Dm7/9 
    If you find it on your hand 
G6/7             C7M/9 
Keep it there, keep it there 

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