Remy Zero

Life in the Rain

Remy Zero


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Life in the Rain

Written by Jeffrey Cain/Cedric Lemoyne/Remy Zero/Gregory Slay/Cinjun Tate/Shelby Tate

	  		Am          D/F#            G 
I once had marigolds for eyes. 
Am           D/F#           G 
I'd seem to fade on sunny days. 
Am                   D/F#    G 
When it's cold as the rain outside, 
            F   C 
well then, so am I. 

Am So when it comes down, G C you'll know I'm with you. Am C And how could I show you? Am It feels good to know. C It feels good to know you.
Am D/F# G We once had oceans left to fly, Am D/F# now the trees and the river G have parted ways. Am D/F# G When it seems like the phone has died, F C well then, so have I. Repeat chorus. Dm And how will you know? C Dm We storm from a small, thin line. C Dm We're torn from the old frames. C Bb2 There's no one here to pull you back again.. Am G So when it comes down, you'll know. C Mmmmm, you'll know. Helena spilt to the ground. Am (how do I show you?) Should've known C soon she would come down. Words were the first thing to go, Am (it feels good to know) C the light they would never show, Helena... Am (and how will you move?) Helena... C (and how did I show you?) Helena... Am C (I couldn't show you) Helena... Am It feels good to know. C It feels good to know you. Am It feels good to know you. Obs: versão original meio afinado meio tom acima _______________________________________________________ Contribuição: Thiago Romeu Montenegro([email protected])

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