Perfume Genius


Perfume Genius

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Key:  D#m More
17 Key A#mA#m
17 Key BmBm
17 Key CmCm
17 Key C#mC#m(one step down)
17 Key DmDm(half step down)
17 Key D#mD#m(original key)
17 Key EmEm(half step up)
17 Key FmFm(one step up)
17 Key F#mF#m
17 Key GmGm
17 Key G#mG#m
17 Key AmAm

D#m              C#       F#    F/F# 
      Take everything away 
    D#m       C#     F#       F/F# 
This gnarled, weird face 

      D#m       B    F# 
This ripe, swollen shape 
       D#m             B        F# 
I won't think, I want frozen lake 
        D#m     B      F# 
I want deep            space 

(Same pattern for rest of the song, except the end) 

Tuck the whole thing 
In the body of a violin  

String it up on a fence 
Cover it with semen 
I am done, I am done with it 

C#                  D#m 
Don't sing me that song 
C#              D#m 
It will only prolong it. 

C# , D#m 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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