Off With Their Heads

I Hope You Know

Off With Their Heads

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I Hope You Know

Written by Off with Their Heads

	  		Intro: E , B , F# , A - 2X 


There's some things that I'd like to say before this sayings done, 
Living on my mind the entire time that I've been on the run, 
I tried to play it off like it never bothered me, 
But now I'll never get the chance and now you'll never see, 
And even though I hated you almost all the time 
I never wished for you to die, I always wished that you would climb 
Above all the circumstances and outweigh all the odds 
And get to live the normal life we've dreamt about so much, 

F# A E And I hope you know wherever you are F# A E I'm sorry I wasn't there, from the bottom of my heart.
Interlude: E , B , F# , A verse 2: E I'm sorry that when you would call I'd shut my ringer off, B And I'm sorry I always made (something) to patch things up. F# If there's one fault of mine that I won't soon forget, A And that was never being there when you were on the bed, E I got the news in California, sick with what you had, B I was laid up in the hospital with pneumonia in my chest. F# I felt the pain that you had felt everyday of your life, A I relived all my selfishness and finally shed the light.
F# A E And I hope you know whenever you are, F# A E I'm sorry I wasn't there from the bottom of my heart.
Solo: E , B , F# , A - 2X
F# A E And I hope you know whenever you are, F# A E I'm sorry I wasn't there from the bottom of my heart. F# A E And I hope you know whenever you are, F# A E I'm sorry I wasn't there from the bottom of my heart.

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