Ocean Colour Scene

This Days I'm Tired

Ocean Colour Scene

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This Days I'm Tired

G             C        F             Em C/D    C 
These days I find I'm picking up all of it  
G             C        F           D9 
These days I'm tired and low  
G             C        F                              Em C/D    C 
And you don't care what you find You're messing up all of it  
G             C        D         G7/b9 
These days you're tired 

Am*      Am 
Then you forget the time to be  
G    D   F           D 
Free you walk in the line  
Am*      Am  
Then you forget the time to be 
G    D   F           C           D       G7/b9 
Free you walk in the light's on 

Am*  Am 
G    D   F  D  

G             C        F             Em C/D    C 
These days I find I'm picking up all of it  
G             C        F           D9 
These days I'm tired and low  
G             C        F                              Em C/D    C  
And you don't care what you find You're messing up all of it  
G             C        D         G7/b9 
These days you're tired 

Am*      Am 
Then you forget the time to be  
G    D   F           D 
Free you walk in the line  
Am*      Am  
Then you forget the time to be 
G    D   F           C           D       G7/b9 
Free you walk in the light's on 

Am*  Am 
G    D   F  D   

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