No Use For a Name


No Use For a Name

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Written by Tony Sly

	  		C                  Em 
Dim light, saw you sleeping 
    Bb           A             Dm 
The door is open waiting to be closed 
         F                   G     Am 
And it's warm in this little room 
    F           G 
But December is so cold 
C           Em 
Waking to a nightmare 
Bb              A            Dm 
Passing out and hoping for a dream 
F                        Am      G 
That will bring back his memory 

    F                            G 
And everything you wanted was so close to you that night 
  C                  Em                    A 
I don't know how you could have dealt with this 
    F             G                    C 
But nothing could prepare you for that risk 

C              Em 
Reliving every minute 
Bb               A            Dm 
Makes the moment seem further away 
F                G   Am 
Unimaginable for me 

    F             G 
The room with the blue paint 
C            Em 
No words can repair this 
   Bb            A                Dm 
So why do people still talk about faith 
          F                    Am     G 
When it's proven to be nothing great 
     F                           G 
Now everyday reminds you of what could and should have been 
  C             Em                A 
I cannot find a last line to this song 
   F            G 
Oh Yeah! Please remember 
It must go on... 

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