
Apocalypse please


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Apocalypse please

Year: 2003 - Album: Haarp CD/DVD Set

Written by Matthew Bellamy/Dominic Howard/Chris Wolstenholme

	  		F#m   F    
Declare this an emergency  
Come on and spread a sense of urgency  
And pull us through  
And pull us through  
F#m               D 
This is the end  
E                 F 
This is the end  
F#m     E     F 
Of the world 
F#m   F    
Itīs time we saw a miracle  
Come on, itīs time for something Biblical  
To pull us through  
And pull us through  
F#m          D 
And this is the end  
E               F 
This is the end  
F#m     E   F 
Of the world 
F#m   F    
Proclaim enternal victory 
Come on and change the cause of history  
And pull us through  
And pull us through  
F#m              D 
This is the end  
E                  F 
This is the end 
F#m      E     F  
Of the world 


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