Mumford And Sons

Where Are You Now

Mumford And Sons

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Where Are You Now

Capo on 9th fret

Intro: G,C,G,C 
G  C           G      Am7           G 
It came to the end it seems you had heard. 
      C                  G 
Cause we walked the city streets, 
    Am7          G 
You never said a word.                 ----- continue throughout whole song 

When we finally sat down 
Your eyes were full of spite. 
I was desperate, I was sweet 
I could not put up a fight. 

Where are you now? 
Where are you now? 
Do you ever think of me 
In the quiet, in the crowd? 

You were strangely less than pain 
Than you were cold. 
Triumphant in your mind 
Of the logic that you hold. 

You said no one would ever know 
The love that we had shared. 
As I took my leave to go 
It was clear that you didn't care. 

Where are you now? 
Where are you now? 
Do you ever think of me 
In the quiet, in the crowd? 

Where are you now? 
Where are you now? 
Do you ever think of me 
In the quiet, in the crowd? 

And I hear of your coming and your going in the town. 
I hear stories of your smile, 
I hear stories of your frown. 

And the darkness can descend, 
We can relish all the pain. 
But I know that's what you love, 
Cause you know I love the same. 

Where are you now? 
Where are you now? 
Do you ever think of me 
In the quiet, in the crowd? 

Where are you now? 
Where are you now? 
Do you ever think of me 
In the quiet, in the crowd? 

Where are you now? 
Where are you now? 
Do you ever think of me 
In the quiet, in the crowd? 

Where are you now? 
Where are you now? 
Do you ever think of me 
In the quiet, in the crowd? 

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