Mumford And Sons

To Darkness

Mumford And Sons

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To Darkness

Written by Mumford & Sons

Capo on 7th fret


Intro: Am G C F Am (3x) 

Am  F  C  G  C  G  C  G Am  
F     C      G  C  G  C  G  Am 
  I will not faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall 
F        C       G  C  G  C  G  Am 
  Once more I'm caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalled 
F        C        G  C  G  C  G  Am 
  Time comes for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall 
F        C       G  C  G  C  G  Am 
  Then dark is whoooooooooooooooooooole 
     Am  G  Am   G    Am    G   C      F 
But oh  my heart was flawed I knew my weakness 
    Am   G  Am   G    Am   G  C       F 
So hold my hand subscribe me not to darkness 

(Am) F  C  G  C  G  C  G Am  

F    C         G       C  G   C      G   Am 
  I will not speak ooooooooooooooof your sin 
F        C    G      C  G  C     G    Am    
  There is a way ouuuuuuuuuuuuut for him 
F        C      G  C  G  C  G   Am 
  The mirror shooooooooooooows not 
F        C     G  C  G  C  G  Am   
  Your values aaaaaaaaaaaaaare shot 

     Am  G  Am   G    Am    G   C      F 
But oh  my heart was flawed I knew my weakness 
    Am   G  Am   G    Am   G  C       F 
So hold my hand subscribe me not to darkness 
      Am  G  Am   G    Am    G   C      F 
But oh  my heart was flawed I knew my weakness 
    Am   G  Am   G    Am   G  C       F 
So hold my hand subscribe me not to darkness 

Am  G  F (2x) 

   Am   G   F 
And I fall short (4x) 

     Am  G  Am   G    Am    G   C      F 
But oh  my heart was flawed I knew my weakness 
    Am   G  Am   G    Am   G  C       F        Am 
So hold my hand subscribe me not to darkness 

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