Mumford And Sons

Broad-shouldered Beasts

Mumford And Sons

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Broad-shouldered Beasts

Written by Ted Dwane/Ben Lovett/Winston Marshall/Marcus Mumford

	  		Intro: C 

verse 1 
C                 Fm             C 
Broad-shouldered beasts fill the sky 
   C      Fm           C 
Manhattan beats at the night 
    Am                      F 
But you are wrapped up in wire 
             C     Fm C 
Curled up in fright 
     C               Fm           C 
So I took you to the city for the night 
   C           Fm           C 
To dance under dizzy silver lights 
But for a moment, you were wild 
     F                            C     Fm C 
With abandon like a child, just a moment 
              F                      C 
But wasn't it you who said I was not free 
              F                    C 
And wasn't it you who said I needed peace 
             E                    F 
And now it's you who's floored by fear of it all 

C F And it's alright C F Take it out on me Am F And it's alright C Take it out on me x2
C Fm C verse 2 C Fm C These apartment walls are paper thin C Fm C And no one is trying to listen in Am What to hear our doubts F C Fm C Hear our whispered shouts, they don't care F C Wasn't it you who said I was not free F C And wasn't it you who said I needed peace E F And now it's you who's floored by fear of it all
C F And it's alright C F Take it out on me Am F And it's alright Am F Take it out on me x2
C Bridge F But when you feel the world Fm wrapping round your neck Am F Feel my hand round yours Gb And when you feel the world F wrapping round your neck C Don't succumb C
C F And it's alright C F Take it out on me Am F And it's alright Am F Take it out on me x2
C F C F Am F And it's alright Am F Take it out on me C

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