Mother of Order

Build The Barn

Mother of Order

Guitar chords Easy level Easy
F               C             Dm 
We’ll make the roof o’er your head 
Gm             Dm              C 
We’ll keep you warm, keep you fed 
F                 C             Dm 
And you’ll do the same for your friends 
       Bb                Dm         C        F 
We’ll all be the ones on which the others depend 

Bb                        F 
You can’t treat humans as islands apart 
Bb                                 C 
You can’t close your eyes to their state 
Bb                  F 
Our inner humanity should show some heart 
Bb           C              Dm 
A caring approach to their fate 
  Bb         C              F 
A caring approach to their fate 

Bb                        F 
Start off by seeing the others in you 
Bb                                C 
See past what their features disguise 
Bb                                       F 
We’re all the same, though of different views 
       Bb            C     Dm 
Let’s see what adds not divides (ohhh) 
       Bb            C     F 
Let’s see what adds not divides 

Bb                             F 
Do things because they’re the right things to do 
Bb                        C 
No leaders to give us commands 
Bb                    F 
People are basically good, trust that’s true 
     Bb      C          Dm 
Put yourself into their hands (ohhh) 
     B       C          F 
Put yourself into their hands 

G               D             Em 
We’ll make the roof o’er your head 
Am             Em              D 
We’ll keep you warm, keep you fed 
G                 D             Em 
And you’ll do the same for your friends 
       C                 Em         D        G 
We’ll all be the ones on which the others depend