Misc Computer Games

Farming Simulator 2017 - Stranger And His Wife

Misc Computer Games

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Farming Simulator 2017 - Stranger And His Wife

 Am Em G G 

Am                     Em 
  Waking up I see them clear 
G                           G 
Floating down the river and hanging from the trees 
Am                     Em 
  Hide away from all we fear 
Holding her cold hands 
   Bm                            Em 
no one can understand except for me 

    G         Am        Em 
Lalalala  Lalala  Lalalala 
    G         Am      Bm 
Lalalala  Lalala  LalalaLalala 

Am                         Em 
  Close our eyes so we can see 
G                        G 
Memories that are fading drifts away from me 
Am                         Em 
  All you brothers of the cross 
Hide among the thieves and liars 
        Bm                             Em 
we take shelter in the branches of the trees 

    G         Am        Em 
Lalalala  Lalala  Lalalala 
    G         Am      Bm 
Lalalala  Lalala  LalalaLalala 

Am Em G  Bm 
Em G  Am Em 
G  Am Bm Em 

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