Misc Cartoons

Spongebob Squarepants - Ripped Pants

Misc Cartoons

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Spongebob Squarepants - Ripped Pants


C                              Am 
I thought that I had everybody on my side, 

'till I went and blew it, 

all sky high 

Em                             A7 
and now she won't even spare a passing glance 

Dm                       G 
all just because I rip ripped my pants. 

(Whole band singing) 
C                                 Am 
When big Lary came 'round just to put him down 

Dm               G  
Spongebob turned into a clown 

Em               A7  
and no girl ever wants to dance 

Dm                         G  
with a fool who went and rip ripped his pants 

(Spongebob singing) 

I know I shouldn't mope around, 

I shouldn't curse 

Dm                         Fm  
but the pain feels so much worse 

Em                               A7  
Cause windin up with no one is a lot less fun 

then a burn from the sun 

or sand in your buns.... 

C                              Am  
Now I learned a lesson I won't soon forget 
Dm                 G   
so listen and you won't regret 
be true to yourself  
don't miss your chance 
Dm                            G                          C 
and you won't end up like the fool...who...ripped...his..PAAANTS 

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