Merle Haggard

That's The News

Merle Haggard

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That's The News

Written by Merle Haggard

	  		By Merle Haggard 
Tabbed By Larry Mofle 
[email protected] 
G             Bm        C              G   
Suddenly it's over, the war is fin'lly done 
C               G                                D   
Soldiers in the desert sand, still clingin' to a gun 
G             Bm         C             G   
No-one is the winner an' everyone must lose 
C                   G     D          G 
Suddenly the war is over: that's the news 
Suddenly celebrity is somethin' back in style 
Back to runnin' tabloid for a while 
Pain's almost everywhere, the whole world's got the blues 
Suddenly the war is over: that's the news 
           D                G     C 
That's the news, that's the news 
           G    C       G                 D 
That's the ever-lovin', blessed, headline news 
          G           Bm                C             G   
Someone's missin;' in Modesto, an' it's sad about the clues 
C                   G     D          G 
Suddenly the war is over: that's the news 
Suddenly the cost of war is somethin' out of sight 
Lost a lotta heroes in the fight 
Politicians do all the talkin': soldiers pay the dues 
Suddenly the war is over, that's the news 
Chorus 2: 
That's the news, that's the news 
That's the ever-lovin', blessed, headline news 
Politicians do all the talkin': soldiers pay the dues 
Suddenly the war is over, that's the news 

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