
House Of God


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House Of God

Written by Jim Bryson/Nathan Cochran/Pete Kipley/Bart Millard/Robby Shaffer

	  		Intro:  E - A - G 

verse 1: 

 E            A        G        E      A  G 
Welcome to the house of God my friend  

E                   A    G     E    A  G 
All are welcome, all may enter in  

G                        A 
Come experience the peace and hope within  

E G D A E We come here, for God and God alone G D A The house of God E G D A E All draw near, make Yourself at Home G D A The house of God
E - A - G - E verse 2: E A G E A G Come and celebrate His majesty E A G E A G Dance and shout like those who've been set free G A It's about you Jesus and all of your glory
E G D A E We come here, for God and God alone G D A The house of God E G D A E All draw near, make Yourself at Home G D A The house of God

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