Matt Maher

Burning In My Soul

Matt Maher

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Burning In My Soul

Capo on 4th fret


Em      C     G 

Verse 1:
           Em         C     G 
There is power, power 
              Em        C     G 
Here in this hour, this hour 
           Em                C     G 
We're all together, together 
                Em          C     G       
Waiting here as one. 

Em C G Woah, hear the sound from heaven Em C G Woah, a mighty rushing wind Em C G Woah, we're calling for revial D God let your fire fall again Em C G It's burning in my soul Em C G It's burning in my soul
> Verse 2: Em C G All your sons and your daughters Em C G Dreaming the dreams of their father Em C G Seeing the signs and the wonders E C G The kingdom of God. (Chorus) Bridge: D C G I cannot contain it, this fire inside D C G I cannot contain it, so let it shine D C I cannot contain it, this light of mine. (Chorus) (Verse 1) Em C G It's burning in my soul Em C G It's burning in my soul.

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