
Tell Him I'm Gone



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Tell Him I'm Gone

Written by John R Cash

	  		Intro: Em - G (Levada de Blues) 
Em - G 
You take this hammer take it to the capt 
              B                         Em - G 
Hey take this hammer take it to the capt 
Em - G 
Take this hammer take it to the capt  
you can tell him I'm gone 
Em - G 
Tell him I'm gone 
                    Em - G 
Cause I ain't gonna take no more kicks and whippings 
                 B                    Em - G 
No I ain't gonna take no kicks and whipping 
              B                    Em - G 
I ain't gonna take no more no more this kicks and whippings 
        B                                            Em - G 
You can tell him I'm gone gone gone you can tell him I'm gone 
        Em - G  
Captain call me a hard headed devil well the captain call me a hard headed devil 
                 B                       Em - G                     
Well the captain call me you hard headed devil 
                  B                       Em - G 
And that ain't my name that ain't my name 
Em - G 
Well the Captain got a big gun bout a 99 calibre 
                 B                  Em - G 
Uuh Captain got a big gun bout a 99 calibre 
                       B                 Em - G 
Well the captain got a big gun bout a 99 calibre 
                  B                                Em - G 
He gonna shoot me down if he ever catches me gonna shoot me down 
                       Em - G 
But you tell him that I went where the great goose goes 
                  B                          Em - G 
Tell him that I'm gone where the great goose goes 
                  B                               Em - G 
Tell him I'm gone tell him I'm gone just tell him I'm gone 
          B                 Em - G 
Take this hammer take it to the capt 
              B                 Em - G 
Hey take this hammer take it to the capt 
By Heitor {ov0} Loureiro - Juiz de Fora - MG 


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