Mary Black

The Night Is On Our Side

Mary Black

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The Night Is On Our Side

Written by Danny O'Reilly

Intro G 

You might find another lover 
You might find another friend 
Don?t confuse one with the other 
           Em               D7                G 
You?ve got someone who will love you till the end 

Don?t be afraid to break your own heart 
Don?t be afraid to watch it bleed 
Sometimes fear is braver in dark 
      Em                 D7                G 
Don?t save yourself from dangers you can?t see 

G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D The night is on our side G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D To wipe the tears from both our eyes G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D Though your mind is so unsure C You?ll know when you see her G When you see her you?ll know___
Verse G You?re much to young to understand youth G You?re much too young to fight this war G What if youth is not the issue Em D7 G And the struggle is the thing worth fighting for?
G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D The night is on our side G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D To wipe the tears from both our eyes G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D Though your mind is so unsure C You?ll know when you see her G When you see her you?ll know___
Bridge D C You?ll know D C G You?ll know, just believe it D Em G You?ll know____
G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D The night is on our side G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D To wipe the tears from both our eyes G C Oh, oh, oh Bm D Though your mind's still so unsure C You?ll know when you see her G When you see her you?ll know___

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