Kelly Clarkson

Behind These Hazel Eyes

Kelly Clarkson

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Behind These Hazel Eyes

Written by Lukasz Gottwald, Kelly Brianne Clarkson, Max Martin

Intro: Am F C G 
Am               F 
Seems like just yesterday 
C          G 
You were a part of me 
Am           F     
I used to stand so tall 
C               G 
I used to be so strong 
Am          F 
Your arms around me tight 
C              G 
Everything, it felt so right 
Am   F             C                G 
Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong 
Now I can't breathe 
No, I can't sleep 
    F              G 
I'm barely hanging on 
      Am        F 
Here I am, once again 
    C         G 
I'm torn into pieces 
      Am             F 
Can't deny it, can't pretend 
      C                  G 
Just thought you were the one 
      Am         F 
Broken up, deep inside 
     Dm             G                Am  F 
But you won't get to see the tears I cry 
C             G 
Behind these hazel eyes 
Am          F 
I told you everything 
  C           G 
Opened up and let you in 
Am           F 
You made me feel alright 
     C         G 
For once in my life 
Am             F 
Now all that's left of me 
C           G 
Is what I pretend to be 
Am     F           C          G 
So together, but so broken up inside 
'Cause I can't breathe 
No, I can't sleep 
    F             G 
I'm barely hangin' on 
      Am        F 
Here I am, once again 
    C         G 
I'm torn into pieces 
      Am             F 
Can't deny it, can't pretend 
      C                  G 
Just thought you were the one 
      Am         F 
Broken up, deep inside 
     Dm             G                Am  F 
But you won't get to see the tears I cry 
C             G 
Behind these hazel eyes 
Dm                      Am 
Swallow me then spit me out 
Dm                      Am 
For hating you, I blame myself 
Dm                      Am 
Seeing you it kills me now 
       F                 E 
No, I don't cry on the outside 
Solo: Am F C G Am F G 
      Am        F 
Here I am, once again 
    C         G 
I'm torn into pieces 
      Am             F 
Can't deny it, can't pretend 
      C                  G 
Just thought you were the one 
      Am         F 
Broken up, deep inside 
     Dm             G                Am  F 
But you won't get to see the tears I cry 
C             G 
Behind these hazel eyes 
      Am        F 
Here I am, once again 
    C         G 
I'm torn into pieces 
      Am             F 
Can't deny it, can't pretend 
      C                  G 
Just thought you were the one 
      Am         F 
Broken up, deep inside 
     Dm             G                Am  F 
But you won't get to see the tears I cry 
C             G 
Behind these hazel eyes 
Contribuição: Igor Magan([email protected]) 

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