
Untitled 1


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Untitled 1

Year: 2004 - Album: Hopes and Fears

Written by Tim Rice-Oxley

	  		Am  G6  Am  G6  Am  G6  Am  G6 

  Am                G6 
A house on fire 
  Am                G6 
A wall of stone 
  Am                  G6 
A door that once was open 
   Bbm7             Dm         G6 
An empty face and empty bones  

Am       G6 
Who ate your heart? 
        Am    G6 
You're cold inside 
       Am                G6 
You're not the one I hoped for 
      Bbm7            Dm9     G6 
I'll see you on the other side 
      Bbm7            Dm9     G6 
I'll see you on the other side 

   C    Gm7            Fm7 
The wind wouldn't blow me home 
   C    Gm7          Fm7 
To lie in your heart of hearts 
   C   Gm7           Fm7 
Will I ever see you again 
   C   Gm7           Fm7 
And lie in your heart of hearts  

Am       G6 
Who ate your heart? 
        Am    G6 
You're cold inside 
       Am                G6 
You're not the one I hoped for 
      Bbm7            Dm9     G6 
I'll see you on the other side 
      Bbm7            Dm9     G6 
I'll see you on the other side 

   C    Gm7            Fm7 
The wind wouldn't blow me home 
   C    Gm7          Fm7 
To lie in your heart of hearts 
   C   Gm7           Fm7 
Will I ever see you again 
   C   Gm7           Fm7 
And lie in your heart of hearts  

Am  G6  X7 

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