Johnny Paycheck

Fifteen Beers

Johnny Paycheck

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Fifteen Beers

Written by B.B. Davis/S. Davis

	  		C                              F                        C 
I drank fifteen beers that's a whole lot of brew in one night 

When you try to drown a memory from your mind 

It took me fifteen beers to get here 
I don't know how many more till I leave 

        C                   G7            C     F  C 
Take my change in tears and drink fifteen beers 

Well I rolled into Joe's about six-fifteen 
And I was ready to pour 'em down 

           C                                      G7 
Because at eight o'clock Delilah was a-meeting me there 

Well I thought I'd have me a pour just to loosen up 
Cause we were really gonna swing tonight 

        C                        G7                 C    F  C 
I could already see her face and touch her long red hair 

Well at nine thirty-five I thought man a live 
What could be a-holding her up 

Just then a man in a long black Cadillac came in  

And told little Joe filler up 

While he was cleaning off the windows and guess who he saw 
In the back laying soft as rain 

       C        G7              C 
It was Delilah  sipping on pink champagne 

                               F                         C 
I drank fifteen beers that's a whole lot of brew for one man 

When you try to drown a memory from your mind 

It took me fifteen beers to forget you  

I don't know how many more to just get 

               C            G7                    C 
While he holds Delilah near I'll drink my fifteen beers 

C                              F                        C 
I drank fifteen beers that's a whole lot of brew in one night 

When you try to drown a memory from your mind 

It took me fifteen beers to get here  

I don't know how many more till I leave 

        C                   G7            C     F  C 
Take my change in tears and drink fifteen beers 

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