Jo Stafford

Night And Day

Jo Stafford

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Night And Day

Written by Cole Porter

	  		Intro: D7M Gm7 

D6/9            Dm/A#    A7  A7/13-  D7M 
Night and day,     you  are  the  one 
         Dm/A#                A7       A7/13-             D7M 
Only you beneath the moon and under the sun 
                  Bm              Bb7M 
Whether near to me or far 
                 F#m         F#m7             E7      G        Gm       A7        D7M 
It's no matter, Darling, where you are I think of you   night and day 
D6/9            Dm/A#    A7  A7/13-    D7M 
Night and day,     why   is   it   so 
                       Dm/A#              A7    A7/13-        D D7M 
That this longing for you follows me wherever I go 
              Bm                  Bb7M 
In the roaring traffic's boom 
             F#m         F#m7       E7                   G       Gm  A7    D7M 
In the silence of my lonely room, I think of you  night and day 
                   F                                 D7M 
Night and day, under the hide of me 
             F7M       Gm7     F        Gm7 
There's an oh-such a hungry yearning 
       F7M              D7M                  Bm7                   Bb7M 
Burning inside of me,   and it's torment won't be through 
                           F#m                  F#m7         E7 
'Til you let me spend my life making love to you 
Em7          A7      Em7      D7M E7 A7 
Day and night, night and day 

Interlude: D6/9 Dm/A# A7 A7/13- D7M Dm/A# A7 A7/13- D D7M Bm Bb7M F#m F#m7 E7 G Gm A7 D7M 

                   F                                 D7M 
Night and day, under the hide of me 
             F7M       Gm7     F        Gm7 
There's an oh-such a hungry yearning 
       F7M              D7M                  Bm7                   Bb7M 
Burning inside of me,   and it's torment won't be through 
                           F#m                  F#m7         E7 
'Til you let me spend my life making love to you 

Em7     A7      Em7      D     G/B Gdim D 
Day and night, night and day 

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