Janis Martin

Billy Boy

Janis Martin

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Billy Boy

F         C 
Billlllly Boy.....Billy Boy, Billy Boy,  

Billy Boy. 
Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy. 

(verse 1) 
Well, some people don't like the way he walks. 
     F                     C 
Some people don't like the way he talks. 
But I love the way he walks and talks. 
(Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy.) 

(verse 2) 
Well, some people I know don't like his style. 
     F                   C 
Some people I know don't like his smile. 
But he knows I love him all the while. 
Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy. 

F G They only judge about what they see but he's as C nice as nice can be. F C If they knew him the way I do, well, they would D G love him, too.
(verse 3) C Well, some people don't like the clothes he'll wear. F C Some people don't like his curly hair. G C But they oughta know the dreams I share with Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy. (Interlude) C F C G C F C
F G They only judge about what they see but he's as C nice as nice can be. F C If they knew him the way I do, well, they would D G love him, too.
(verse 4) C Well, some people don't like the clothes he'll wear. F C Some people don't like his curly hair. G C But they oughta know the dreams I share with Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy. (Outro) C Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy..Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy..Billy Boy, Billy Boy, Billy Boy.. F C Billlllllly Booooooy.

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