Jack Johnson

Banana Pancakes

Jack Johnson

chords Intermediate intermediate

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Banana Pancakes

Year: 2005 -

Written by 568@In Between Dreams,

	  		Intro Am G7 

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Chords |-3--3--5--5----------------| |-3--3--5--5----------------| |-4--5--6--7----------------| |-5--5--7--7----------------| |-5--3--7--5----------------| |-3--x--5--x----------------| G C A D Fill 1 |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------5-----------------------------| |-5h7-7---7h5-3-----------------------| Fill 2 |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------5-----------------------------| |-3h5-5---5h3-5-----------------------|
Am (Well can't you see that it's just raining G7 There ain't no need to go outsite D But Baby)

Verse 1:

G D7 you hardly even notice Am C7 when I tried to show you G D7 this song is meant to keep you Am C7 from doing what your supposed to G D7 waking up too early Am C7 maybe we can sleep in G D7 make you banana pancakes Am C7 Am Pretend like it's the weekend now
(Fill 1) G7 we could pretend it all the time, (Fill 2) Am and cant you see that its just raining (Fill 1) G7 ain't no need to go outside D7 Just maybe...

Verse 2:

G D7 Hala ka lu ku le le Am C7 mama made a baby G D7 really dont mind the practice Am C7 cause your my little lady G D7 lady lady love me Am C7 cause i love to lay here lazy G D7 we can close the curtains Am C7 Am pretendin' like there's no world outside
(Fill 1) G7 we could pretend it all the time, (Fill 2) Am and cant you see that its just raining (Fill 1) G7 ain't no need to go outside Am G7 ain't no need ain't no need G7 Am Can't you see can't you see Am G7 Rain all day and i don't mind


Am D telephone singin ringin its to early dont pick it up... we dont need to Am D we got everything we need right here and everything we need is enough... Bm just so easy when The whole world fits inside your arms Em C Don't really need to pay attention to the alarm G D G Wake up slow, mmmm mmmmm wake up slow D But Baby

Verse 1:

G D7 you hardly even notice Am C7 when I tried to show you G D7 this song is meant to keep you Am C7 from doing what your supposed to G D7 waking up too early Am C7 maybe we can sleep in G D7 make you banana pancakes Am C7 Am Pretend like it's the weekend now
(Fill 1) G7 we could pretend it all the time, (Fill 2) Am and cant you see that its just raining (Fill 1) G7 ain't no need to go outside Am ain't no need ain't no need G7 Rain all day and i really really really don't mind G7 Am Can't you see can't you see G You gotta wake up slow

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