Jack Ingram

Politics & Religion

Jack Ingram

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Politics & Religion

Written by Jack Ingram

	  		           A                                E 
Well, I forgot what I was gonna tell you, I guess it wasn't important anyway 
A                        B7                  E 
Wait I think I remember, well I guess it can wait 
            A                                    D           
It was somethin about last Wednesday when you forgot we had a date 
               E         A 
Something came up, well okay 
A                                  D 
Two weeks ago last Friday you were dancing at JR's bar 
    A                                    B7                 E  
You told me that you liked me, you don't remember back that far 
       A                                     D 
Well I guess it doesn't matter, I'll just forget about this day 
A                        E            A 
There's just something I just have to say 

D A If you've got a problem I'm here to fix it D E If you can't remember from day to day A D Who your love is and what his name was and A D Why you love him and why it's me A E I'll gladly help you keep your life straight D E A I'm available, yes, I'm free
I don't do this often why does it seem natural I just thought I'd help someone in need And you looked like the perfect candidate Middle of the road, someone like me Chorus I don't want to impose unwanted sanctions I just thought I'd help you keep our peace No talk of politics or religion Just a little wine and bad t.v. Chorus

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