Hollow Coves

The Woods

Hollow Coves

chords Beginner beginner


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The Woods

	  		Intro D  A  E 

We're all falling 
       A               E 
and we need a place to hide 
  D                           A 
A safe place somewhere in the woods 
where we can start the fire 
D                         A      E 
All we know is that would be our home 
        D         A    E 
We will stay 'till the break of dawn 

( D A  E ) 
( D A  E ) 

    D                        A                   E 
The cold night takes us to a place to escape the chill 
D                         A                  E 
Top top, somewhere in the woods, on the hill 
D                    A                   E 
Wake up, feeling the cold in between our toes 
           D        A      E 
Is there a way back? Nobody knows 
        D   A           E 
And we leave it all behind 
          D   A           E 
Can't you see we need some time? 
          D               A 
And we all sit around the fire 
We feel a little warmer now 
          D               A 
And we all sit around the fire 
We feel so much better now 

( D A  E ) 
( D A  E ) 
( D A  E ) 
( D A  E ) 

          D               A 
And we all sit around the fire 
We feel a little warmer now 
          D               A 
And we all sit around the fire 
We feel so much better now 

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