
My Wealth Is In The Cross


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My Wealth Is In The Cross

verse 1 
G                 C - G 
There is a hill I cherish 
G/B                    D/F# 
Where stood a precious tree 
G/B              C - G 
The emblem of salvation 
G/B               G 
That gift of Calvary 

verse 2 
G                  C - G 
How is it I should profit 
G/B              D/F# 
While He is crucified 
G/B                 C - G 
Yet as His life was taken 
G/B              G 
So I was granted mine 

C My wealth is in the cross Em D/F# There's nothing more I want G C Than just to know His love Em D/F# My heart is set on Christ G C And I will count all else as loss Em D/F# G C The greatest of my crowns mean nothing to me now Em D/F# G C For I counted up the cross and all my wealth is in the cross
Em D/F# verse 3 G C - G I will not boast in riches G/B D/F# I have no pride in gold G/B C - G But I will boast in Jesus G/B G And in His name alone
C My wealth is in the cross Em D/F# There's nothing more I want G C Than just to know His love Em D/F# My heart is set on Christ G C And I will count all else as loss Em D/F# G C The greatest of my crowns mean nothing to me now Em D/F# G C For I counted up the cross and all my wealth is in the cross Em D/F# G C Oh My wealth is in the cross
Em D/F# Bridge Em C D/F# G For You are all my heart desires C G D/F# My treasure my reward Em C D/F# G And there's nothing in this world compared C G D/F# To knowing You my God
C My wealth is in the cross Em D/F# There's nothing more I want G C Than just to know His love Em D/F# My heart is set on Christ G C And I will count all else as loss Em D/F# G C The greatest of my crowns mean nothing to me now Em D/F# G C For I counted up the cross and all my wealth is in the cross Em D/F# G C Yes all my wealth is in the cross
verse 4 G C - G And when I stand in glory G/B D/F# My life before the Lord G/B C - G Let this be my confession G/B G My wealth is in the cross

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