
Thinking Of You



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Thinking Of You

	  		Intro: D C G A

D                              C
Have you ever stood outside a picket fence,
Where you could see through,
But you can't get to the inside

I sit there and wait
I look at you and anticipate
What we could be and what we could do

Fly the wings of an eagle,
Glide along with the wind
No matter how high,
I'll be thinking of you the whole time.

Fly with the wings of an eagle,
Glide along with the wind.
No matter how high,
I'll be thinking of you the whole time.
D            C          G        A
Oh, you'll be on my mind all the time

D                        C            G             A
I'm carrying this heavy load, I don't know what to do.
The only thing I know is that I'm in love with you.
Fly with the wings of an eagle,
No matter how high I`ll be thinking of you.


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