Gospel Music

Come Back To Me Hosea

Gospel Music

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Come Back To Me Hosea

	  		    D              Bm 
Come back to me with all your heart 
G                 D 
Don't let fear keep us apart  
D                 Bm 
Trees do bend tho straight and tall  
G           D 
So must we to others call 

A          F#              Bm 
Long have i waited for your coming 
G            D     A 
Home to me and living deeply  
Our new life 
   D              Bm 
The wilderness will lead you 
G                 D 
To your heart where i will speak 
 D          Bm          G 
Integrity and justice with tenderness 
You shall know 

A          F#              Bm 
Long have i waited for your coming 
G            D     A 
Home to me and living deeply  
Our new life 
D                Bm 
You shall sleep secure with peace 
G               D 
Faithfulness will be your joy 

A          F#              Bm 
Long have i waited for your coming 
G            D     A 
Home to me and living deeply  
Our new life 

A          F#              Bm 
Long have i waited for your coming 
G            D     A 
Home to me and living deeply  
Our new life

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