George Jones

Our Bed Of Roses

George Jones

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Our Bed Of Roses

G                                      C                        G    C  G 
The morning we moved in this house you said let's make a bed of roses 
   D7                                                       G      D7 
So hand in hand we found that special place and I broke the ground 
  G                               C                          G        C  G 
I wiped that delta dirt from your face as you knelt there to sow them 
       Am                               D7                         G  G7 
Oh I'd give anything a mortal man could give if you could see them now 

C                                            G     C  G 
Through the kitchen windowpane I can see the roses 
D7                                                                            G    G7 
The ones we planted that first spring are blooming like they did when you were here 
C                                                       G   Em 
Someone's always left behind when the door of this life closes 
Am                          D7                 G     C 
So I sit alone and watch it rain on our bed of roses 

G                                C                           G     C G 
Some days I sit for hours at the time just stirring at those roses 
     D7                                                              G     D7 
They seem so young and full of life but soon they'll face the winter chill 
G                           C                            G      C  G 
I don't know how long I can survive but one thing that I know is 
     Am                         D7                   G    D7 
Come spring time the roses will return but you never will 

Repeat #2 

Am                          D7                 C  G 
So I sit alone and watch it rain on our bed of roses 

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