Frank Sinatra

New York New York

Frank Sinatra

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New York New York

Year: 1993 - Album: Duets

Written by Betty Comden, Leonard Bernstein, Adolph Green

Intro: D - Em7 (2x) (A) 

 Start spreading the news  
 I'm leaving today  
(A)          D              
 I want to be a part of it  
 New york, new york  

A               D  
 These vagabond shoes,  
 Are longing to stray  
(A)                  D  
 Right through the very heart of it  
 new york, New York  
D7         G            Gm  
 I want to wake up in a city,  
 that doesnt sleep  
 And find I'm king of the hill  
 B7          Em7  
 Top of the heap  

A                  D  
 These little town blues,  
 Are melting away  
(A)                 D  
 I'm gonna make a brand new start of it  
 In old New York  
D7        G       Gm  
 If I can make it there,  
 I'll make it anywhere  
 B7         Em7  
 It's up to you  
 F#m7  G    A   D    
 New York, New York  

Em7 - D - Em7  

-- song up 1/2 step --  

 New York, New York   

            Ab          Abm              Eb   
 I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps   
               Gm           C7           
And find I'm A-number-one, top of the list,   
 B                Bb   
King of the hill, A-number-one   
                   Eb                 Fm7   
 These little town blues   are melting away   
(Bb)                Eb                           Fm7   
 I'm gonna make a brand new start of it in old New York   
                     Ab       Abm                     Gm7  C7   
  A-a-a-nd if I can make it there, I'm gonna make it anywhere   
 It's up to you,   
 Gm7    Ab    Bb    Eb  
 New    York, New York  

 Bb    Eb  
 New York

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