Frank Sinatra

Moon River

Frank Sinatra

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Moon River

Written by ,

	  		Intro: Amaj7 F#m9 D E7b9   

  Amaj7  F#m9     D         A/C#   
Moon River wider than a mile   
       D              A/C#      G#m7b5  C#7   
I'm crossing you in style someday   
      F#m7    A/E       D     G7   
Oh, dream maker, you heartbreaker   
  F#m7 A/E D#dim G#7 C#m7 F#7 B7 E7b9    
Wherever you're going I'm going your way   
  Amaj7   F#m9      D            A/C#   
Two drifters off to see the world   
        D           A/C#    G#m7b5 C#7 
There's such a lot of world to see   
      F#m7   A/E   D#dim Dm6  A/C# 
We're aft er the same rainbows end   
D                   A/C#        
And waiting round the bend   
D           A/C#      F#m7 Bm7 E7b9   
My huckleberry friend, Moon River   
Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Amaj7    
And me.   


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