
Nuclear Nightmare


chords Beginner beginner


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Nuclear Nightmare

Capo on 3rd fret


Intro: Am G C G Am D C D 

Am              G         C G 
Mind tripping, across the ocean, 
Am              D         C D 
Time tripping, across the sea 
Am             G  C    G 
Time is up and we will go 
Am                 D  C     D    
Pools of red start dripping down 

Interlude: D C 

Am                G       C    G 
Nuclear nightmare sent me tripping 
Am                D       C   D    
Nuclear nightmare sent me flipping 
Am                  G        C   G 
Across the skies of time and space 
Am                 D  C     D     
Wake up people-but no one's there 


C       G         Am 
Nuclear nightmare fantasy 
C       G         Am 
Nuclear nightmare fantasy 
C       G         Am 
Nuclear nightmare fantasy 
C       G         D 
Nuclear nightmare fantasy 

Am                       G       C   G 
The house is burning and raining within 
Am              D  C   D     
Black smoke-but no one cares 
Am          G  C        G  
I look, and no one's watching 
Am           D  C   D 
I shout, and no one hears 

Interlude followed by Intro followed by Interlude again followed by 

D C G Am  

followed by Intro again 

(Chorus), then: 

C Am 

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