
Made Of Stone


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Made Of Stone

Written by Evanescence/William B. Hunt/Amy Lee


Intro: Bb  Ab  Eb  F#  Ab  Bb  Ab  Eb  C#  Bb 

Bb               Bb/B 
   Speak you mind 
Bb             Bb/B 
   Like I care 
Bb                    Bb/B 
   I can see you lips moving 
Bb                         Bb/B 
   I've just learned not to hear 
   Don't waste your time 

Bb It's never enough for you, baby Bb Ab Eb Don't want to play your game anymore F# Ab No matter what you say Bb I'm all out of love for you, baby Bb Ab Eb And now that I've tried everything C# Bb I'll numb the pain till I'm made of stone
Verse Bb Bb/B Take your time Bb Bb/B I'm not scared Bb Bb/B Make me everything you need me to be Bb Bb/B So the judgement seems fair Eb Don't waste your time
Bb It's never enough for you, baby Bb Ab Eb Don't want to play your game anymore F# Ab Bb No matter what you say Bb I'm all out of love for you, baby Bb Ab Eb and now that I've tried everything C# I'll numb the pain till I'm made F# Bb To tear up my heart Ab Bb for the way that it feels F# Bb Ab Bb I will still remember when you've long forgotten me
Bridge: Bb Ab Eb C# Bb
Bb It's never enough for you, baby Bb Ab Eb Don't want to play your game anymore F# Ab Bb No matter what you say Bb I'm all out of love for you, baby Bb Ab Eb And now that I've tried everything C# Bb I'll numb the pain till I'm made of stone Bb It's never enough Bb It's never enough Bb It's never enough I'll numb the pain till I'm made of stone I'll numb the pain till I'm made of stone

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