Elevation Worship

God Be Praised

Elevation Worship

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God Be Praised


Intro: G  Bm  D  A 
Verse 1:
G D 
You left Your throne for our salvation 
     G Bm - A 
Jesus Christ, the hope of our nation 
       G        D 
Battered by the weight of our nature 
G      A        
For our crimes You came to save 

Verse 2:
God of the world, You walked among us 
Covered in flesh, in all of our weakness 
You were despised, embarrassed, and lonely  
Through Your shame we came alive 

G - Bm God be praised D A G - Bm Forever we will shout Your Name D A Lord over all G Bm You left heaven for earth D A Your glory for us G A Risen King be lifted high
Verse 3: Out of the dark, and into Your likeness Caught in hope, a love so relentless Called by name, Your sons and Your daughters Bought with a price, we are alive Bridge: Bm A D G Because I'm alive, I'll give You my life Bm A D G Because I am free, I'll bow at Your feet Bm A D G Because I am loved, I'm able to love Bm A D G Because I am Yours, my worth is secure

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