Electric Light Orchestra

Love And Rain

Electric Light Orchestra

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Love And Rain

Capo on 3rd fret


It takes a lot of rain, to make a flower grow 
Cm                        Gm 
Yes it takes a lot of, love and rain (love and rain) 
And it makes a lot of pain, to see you steppin' out 
Cm                      Gm 
Yes, it makes a lot of, love and rain (love and rain) 

Gm       Bb     Gm      Bb 
Love and rain,  
            Gm      Bb      Gm     Bb 
keep coming back again 
oooh, love and rain (love and rain) 
(love and rain) 

SOLO: Gm     Cm  Gm 

Love and rain, oh the pleasure and the pain 
Cm                              Gm 
Never feels the same again, for love and rain (love and rain) 

Gm       Bb     Gm      Bb 
Love and rain,  
            Gm      Bb      Gm     Bb 
keep coming back again 
      Bbm       G              Em   Bm   C D 
oooh, love and rain (love and rain) 

G   Em   Bm   C  D  

Gm       Bb     Gm      Bb 
Love and rain,  
            Gm      Bb      Gm     Bb 
keep coming back again 
oooh, love and rain (love and rain) 

Gm To End 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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