Ed Sheeran

How Would You Feel

Ed Sheeran

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How Would You Feel

Capo on 2nd fret

G Bm C 
G Bm C 


G             Bm        C 
  You are the one, girl 
                         G Bm C 
You know that it's true 
G               Bm     C 
    I'm feeling younger 
                               G Bm C 
Every time that I'm alone with you 


    We were sitting in a parked car 
    Stealing kisses in a front yard 
A                                D 
   We got questions we shouldn't had asked but 

G Bm C How would you feel G Bm C If I told you I loved you G Bm C It's just something that I want to do Am D I'm taking my time, spending my life G Bm C Falling deeper in love with you G Bm C So tell me that you love me too
Verso G Bm C G Bm C In the summer, as the light looks blue G Bm C Blood flows deeper than a river G Bm C Every moment that I spend with you Pré-Refrão Bm Em We were sat upon our best friend's roof A I had both of my arms around you D Watching the sunrise replace the moon
G Bm C How would you feel G Bm C If I told you I loved you G Bm C It's just something that I want to do Am D I'm taking my time, spending my life G Bm C Falling deeper in love with you G Bm C So tell me that you love me too
Solo: G Bm C G Bm C G Bm C G Bm C Pré-Refrão: Bm We were sitting in a parked car Em Stealing kisses in a front yard A D We got questions we shouldn't had asked but
G Bm C How would you feel G Bm C If I told you I loved you G Bm C It's just something that I want to do Am D I'm taking my time, spending my life G Bm C Falling deeper in love with you G Bm C So tell me that you love me too G Bm C Tell me that you love me too G Bm C Tell me that you love me too

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