Eagle-Eye Cherry

Worried Eyes

Eagle-Eye Cherry

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Worried Eyes

Written by Victoria

D                             G 
I've tried so hard to remember what it is that I forgot 
D                               G 
But I can, but I can believe......will you now 
I've tried, I've tried, I've tried 
Cried and kissed goodbye 
To something that we both know 
Boy you blow my mind 


D                          G 
I don't know how I'm going to 
Show you what I feel for you 

G All I know, all I know is I ... D Want to be with you
G D G D Have you ever tried to be G Have you ever tried to see D G Something but you don't really know what it is Lord but we got to try D I look at you G I hear your voice D G I try to remember.......I try to remember D G So don't you look at me with worried eyes 'Cause you know we got to try girl
D G All I know, all I know is I .... Want to be with you ...
D Here I am and I believe G D Yes I do.....what do, what I do for you D G I look at you, I hear your voice D G I try to remember... I try to remember D Don't you look at me with worried eyes G Cause you know we got to try girl
D G All I know, All I know is I ... D Want to be with you ...

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