Dolores Duran

An Affair To Remember

Dolores Duran

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An Affair To Remember

Written by Harold Adamson, Leo McCarey and Harry Warren

	  		Intro: D7M Fdim Em7 A7  

      D         Fdim         A         Am 
Our love af fair is a wond'rous thing 
      Em          A7         D       D7M 
That we'll rejoice in remembering. 
         Bm7          E               C#m     F#m7 
Our love was born with our first embrace 
              Bm5-/7    E7            Em7         A9 
And a page was torn out of time and space 
  A5+ D        Fdim              A      Am 
Our  love affair   may it always be 
        Em       A7           Am6   D7/9    D7 
A flame to burn   through     eternity. 
       Em          Gdim          F#m7      B7 
So take my hand with a fervant prayer 
    Cdim     Em7     A9   F#m7    B7   
That we may live and we may share 
      Em7   A9  A7 A7/9-  D      
A  love  affair  to  remember 

Interlude: D Fdim  A Am Em A7 D D7M Bm7 E C#m F#m7 Bm5-/7 E7 Em7 A9 

  A5+ D        Fdim              A      Am 
Our  love affair   may it always be 
        Em       A7           Am6   D7/9    D7 
A flame to burn   through     eternity. 
       Em          Gdim          F#m7      B7 
So take my hand with a fervant prayer 
    Cdim     Em7     A9   F#m7    B7   
That we may live and we may share 
      Em7   A9  A7 A7/9-  D      
A  love  affair  to  remember 

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