
You've Got A Friend In Me


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You've Got A Friend In Me

Written by Randy Newman

Intro:  C E Am  A  C  G C  B  A 

C               G      C 
You've got a friend in me 
F                      C 
You've got a friend in me 
F          C       E7        Am 
When the road looks rough ahead 
             F         C               E7       Am 
And you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed 
F            C               E7       Am 
You just remember what your old pal said 
      D7            G          C 
Boy, you've got a friend in me 
A        D7          G       C       Am      A      C      G 
Yeah, you've got a friend in me 
C             G        C 
You've got a friend in me 
F                      C 
You've got a friend in me 
F          C 
You got troubles 
E7              Am 
And I got them too 
F        C 
There isn't anything 
  E7       Am 
I wouldn't do for you 
 F            C           E7        Am 
We stick together, we can see it through 
       D7            G       C       A 
Cause you've got a friend in me 
D7             G        C 
You've got a friend in me 
F                             B 
Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am 
C           B7        C 
Bigger and stronger too, Maybe 
But none of them 
Will ever love you 
    Em    A7 
The way I do 
      Dm     G 
It's me and you, boy 
C                G  C 
And as the years go by, 
       F                   C 
Our friendship will never die 
F                         C   E7 Am 
You're gonna see it's our des-ti-ny 
D7                G          C        A 
You've got a friend in me 
D7              G      C        A 
You've got a friend in me 
D              G       C      E7    Am   A   C   G    C 
You've got a friend in me 

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