
New York Is My Home


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New York Is My Home

Written by Mike Aquilina/Dion DiMucci/Scott "Top Ten" Kempner

Intro: Em 

verse 1 

The morning came today, 
With rain and sheets of grey, 
The subway rocked me out of bed, 
                C        Em 
To take me on my way. 
G                Bm 
Where?er I go I go in style, 
Each and every mile, 
                   C               D 
You know, I?m not alone, 
                    G           C       G 
New York is my home. 

verse 2 

I got a girl up in the Proms, 
She treats me like a king, 
I?ll give her anything she wants, 
                C   Em 
She is my everything. 
           G               Bm 
She can be hard as concrete, 
Soft as a summer breeze, 
          C                     D 
We can wake the dark, 
New York is my home. 

C New York is calling me, G It?s on the phone, Am7 It?s like the rooftop songs, D7 Up from the cobblestones. (Stop strumming)
verse 3 Em You will never hear me say, Am ?The city street?s too loud,? Em I hear a gospel hymn C Em In every passing crowd. G Bm It trails me and it tails me down, Em To central park, C D Even after dark, G C G New York is my home.
C New York is calling me, G And now I find, Am7 The city never sleeps, D7 It?s my state of mind.
verse 4 Em The breezes blow, Am And take me where the Hudson never flows, Em The harbour light shines on the piers, C Am7 As all young lovers know. G Bm I can touch the world, Em As it sails in from everywhere, C D I?m not alone, G C G New York is my home.
C New York is calling me, G And now I find, Am7 The city never sleeps, D7 G C G C D7 It?s my state of mind.
Verse 5 Em The breezes blow, Am And take me where the Hudson never flows, Em The harbour light shines on the piers, C Am7 As all young lovers know. G Bm I can touch the world, Em As it sails in from everywhere, C D I?m not alone, G New York is my home. C D I?m not alone, Em New York is my home. Outro G C D7 Em

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