David Crowder Band

Come And Listen

David Crowder Band

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Come And Listen

Year: 2005 - Album: A Collision

Written by David Crowder

	  		F           Bb   F2/A          Dm          C    Bb     F2/A 
 Come and Listen.  Come to the water?s edge all you who know and fear  
the Lord 
F           Bb   F2/A          Dm          C    Bb   F2/A 
 Come and Listen.  Come to the water?s edge all you     who are  
thirsty, come 
C        F                F2/A   Bb 
  Let me tell you what He   has  done for me 
C        F                F2/A   Bb 
  Let me tell you what He   has  done for me 
F2/A       Bb           F2/A       Bb  
  He has done for you  -  He has done for us 
F         Bb     F2/A       Dm        C         F 
 Come and Listen.  Come and listen to what He?s done 
F         Bb     F2/A       Dm        C         F 
 Come and Listen.  Come and listen to what He?s done 
(Inst -  F  Bb  F2/A  Dm   Bb  F2/A  Bb) 
C     F          F2/A     Bb    
Praise --     our God for He is good (x4) 
F2/A        Bb 
  He has done for me 
F2/A        Bb 
  He has done for you 
F2/A        Bb 
  He has done for us 
F         Bb     F2/A       Dm        C         F 
 Come and Listen.  Come and listen to what He?s done 
F         Bb     F2/A       Dm        C         F 
 Come and Listen.  Come and listen to what He?s done 
Ending chords 
F  Bb  F2/A  Dm   Bb  Bb/C  F 


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