Carl Smith

Before I Met You

Carl Smith

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Before I Met You

	  		C                           F           C 
I thought I had seen pretty girls in my time  

But that was before I met you 

C                      F          C 
I never saw one that I wanted for mine 

             G7           C    
But that was before I met you 

F                            C 
I thought I was swinging the world by the tail 

I thought I could never be blue 

I thought I'd been kissed and  

  F                C 
I thought I'd been loved 

             G7           C 
But that was before I met you 

                       F         C 
I wanted to ramble and always be free 

But that was before I met you 

  C                        F         C 
I said that no woman could ever hold me 

             G7           C 
But that was before I met you 

 F                            C 
I thought I was swinging the world by the tail 

I thought I could never be blue 

I thought I'd been kissed and  

  F                C 
I thought I'd been loved 

             G7           C 
But that was before I met you 

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