Brett Dennen

Wild Child

Brett Dennen

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Wild Child

Written by Brett Dennen

Capo on 4th fret


verse 1 

    C       F               G        C 
I am a wild child yes I am 
F               G        
I love the country 
F           G 
I wanna run free 
    C                   F               G            C 
I don't wanna live up to anyones plans 
       F                     G 
I wanna have a good time and I  
F                       G 
wanna feel the sunshine with  
F       G        
Am              G        
by my side 

C F G F I Am x4 C F G F I am a wild wild child Momma C F G F You can x4 C F G F You can hold me tight if you wanna If you wanna hold me tonight C F G C (hamer-ons optional)
verse 2 C F G C Take me where the musics playing F G Give me on the dance floor and F G Hold me a little closer C F G C I am a wild child yes i am F G I wanna feel the sunshine and I F G wanna feel the good vibes with F G you Am G by my side
C F G F I Am x4 C F G F I am a wild wild child Momma C F G F You can x4 C F G F You can hold me tight if you wanna If you wanna hold me tonight C F G F Uh ah oh Ah C F G F Wild wild child momma C F G F Uh ah Oh ah C F G F Hold me tight if you wanna If you wanna hold me tonight
C F G C C F G F I Am x4 C F G F I am a wild wild child momma C F G F You can x4 C F G F You can hold me tight if you wanna If you wanna hold me tonight C F G F Uh ah oh Ah C F G F Wild wild child momma Outro C F G C

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