Bobby Caldwell

Open Your Eyes

Bobby Caldwell

chords Beginner beginner


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Open Your Eyes

      Dmaj7      Gmaj7   C9 
I see you in a lonely place 
Dmaj7       Bm7   Gmaj7 C9 
How can you be so blind 
Dmaj7          F#m 
You're still regretting 
     Gmaj9   G/A   A/B           G/E  G/A 
The love you left, left behind 
Oh darling 

Dmaj7                             Gmaj7   C9 
I've seen you go through the changes 
Dmaj7   Bm7         Gmaj7 C9 
Sitting alone each night 
Dmaj7    F#m         Gmaj9    G/A 
Are you expecting to find the love 
A/B               G/E  G/A 
Love that's right 

Darling open your eyes 
Let me show you the light 
Girl you'll never find a love that's right 

Darling open your eyes 
Let me show you the light 
Girl you think you're so wise 
You're so wise 

There are times 
            Gmaj7  C9 
When you'll need someone 
Dmaj7     Bm7     Gmaj7  C9 
I will be by your side 
Dmaj7     F#m 
I take my chances 
   Gmaj9    G/A   A/B 
Before they pass, pass me by 
G/E  G/A 
Oh darling 

Dmaj7      Gmaj7      C9 
There is a light that shines 
Dmaj7       Bm7     Gmaj7 C9 
Special for you and me 
Dmaj7      F#          Gmaj9 G/A 
You need a look at the other side 
A/B          G/E  G/A 
You'll agree 

Darling open your eyes 
Let me show you the light 
You may never find a love that's right 

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